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From 1st January 2018, all electric local space heaters manufactured for sale in the EU must comply with a minimum efficiency standard under Lot 20 of the Energy Efficiency Directive. Electric space heaters are considered energy-related products that have a considerable energy-saving potential. The Eco Design Directive forms the European legal framework for setting requirements for environmentally friendly design of energy-related products. “The aim of this legislation is to rule out inefficient technologies and reduce the energy used by the products that heat our homes, helping to achieve carbon reduction targets.
This guideline is reducing environmental impacts taking into account the entire product life cycle.
Compliance with the guideline is based on a points system rating. Various features and functions can contribute to achieve the minimum legal requirements, for example:
Electric space heaters that meet the minimum requirements are therefore compliant with the
Eco Design Directive – watch out for this label:
As a leading company creating healthy and comfortable indoor climate, Zehnder has been committed to developing innovative products that make life easier for our customers in various areas for many years. Find out more about how you can benefit from the new guideline.
Installing heating pipes comes with much effort and costs. Furthermore, renovating a home, installing traditional heating pipes is often not possible or economically not viable. With a socket nearby, an electric radiator can be hung wherever you want, and the wireless control placed within easy reach.
Zehnder sees the new guideline as confirmation of the continuous further development of its products, which not only meet standards, but also exceed them.
Electric radiators saving costs and producing less power wastage combined with highest expectations on design and innovation, you can find in our wide range of electric designer radiators and towel warmers.